The training program on Bee keeping successfully completed on dated 19-20 May, 2018 at Kurukshetra, Haryana. The trainees learned the skill about how to taking care of bees. They also learn many things about bee keeping like how to rearing bee queens, how to harvest honey, how manage an apiaries etc. This is a planned training program soon we arrange …
Bee’s sell and purchase
इटालियन मधुमक्खी का पालन करने हेतु मधुमक्खियां खरीदने के लिए संपर्क करें ।
The best time to buy bee’s
The best time to buy The best time to buy and hive a swarm is at the beginning of the nectar flow. At this time there is hardly any risk of having to feed the swarm; on the contrary there is every chance of seeing the colony settle down quickly, gather its stores for the winter and even, in melliferous …
Selection of Location
Selection of Location The first decision the new beekeeper must make is where to put the hive. There are different factors that make a beehive location successful. There are also other questions about location to consider. For one thing, try to choose a location that is as close to your home as possible. There are several reasons for this. The …
Skin Problems Solution
During puberty, elevated hormone levels stimulate sebaceous glands to produce more oil, also called sebum, which is normally released through the hair shaft to lubricate and protect the skin. Sebum combines with dead cells, forming a plug in the skin pore called a comedone. These comedones or plugged follicles may eventually rupture and sebum may seep into the surrounding skin …
Honey Bees Food for free
Food for free? If you see at fields full of flowering crops or wild flowers in the forest countryside, or at garden flowers and park flowers in the cities, you are not looking only at beauty but also at the gold – thousands of tons of valuable honey. Liquid gold sitting there, all for you! If you don’t go and …
MAKE A HOBBY OF BEEKEEPING Honey Beekeeping, though, this is more than just a profit making activity it can also be a fascinating, environmentally sound hobby that can totally absorb you. Honey Beekeeping in many countries is predominantly activity as hobby. Numbers of commercial beekeepers who ‘farm’ bees are comparatively few and, in some countries such as the USA and …
मधुमक्खी पालन और पॉलिनेशन
मधुमक्खी के बारे में जानकारी लेना आपको एक ऐसे ज्ञान को पाना है जो आपको एक शानदार शौक के साथ साथ आपका कैरियर भी बना सकता है । मधुमक्खी और मानव का सम्बन्ध बहुत पुराना और जाना पहचाना है , बहुत पहले से जब मनुष्य जंगल से मधुमक्खियों का शहद चुराया करता था । स्पेन की गुफाओं में ६००० ई. …
Top 5 Ideas to stop terrorism in the world
The all world is in problem with the terrorism. The all thinkers and specialist worried about the terrorism. They can’t able to find better solutions to preventing the world with this problem. Here we try to suggest some ideas how to stop the terrorism or the upcoming world war……. First is to find the like minded persons who want to …
Combhoney for sale
Comb Honey 100% pure Comb Honey 100% pure Order to purchase 100% pure comb honey in India.The real taste of pure Honey you never find in other ways. Only at